welcome et bonjour!!

this is my blog where I will be adding new and strange creations for your viewing pleasure.

Ceci est mon blog où je serai l'ajout de nouvelles créations et étrange pour votre plaisir visuel.

my website.mon siteweb www.amandaseebeck.com

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Puppies, ticks, and Lakehouses

Funny how weeks can fly by now, and it took sooo long as a kid! Summer never lasted long enough but school. Oi school went on for YEARS (even though it was only 8 months)! My weeks have been spent picking apartments, packing, painting, and paying for things out of my nose!!

At least I am able to show you what I've been working on:

Phase One:
 Phase Two:
 Phase Three:
 Phase Four:
This is the final product, at 8x11 inches it's bigger than my cat's portrait, and I have to say I'm proud of the results. Now I could have worked on this for another 6 months, but that's just the way I work! My client was overjoyed with the results, and that's what counts more than anything. And it was done on time for her husbands birthday!

Speaking of dogs, my boyfriend had the pleasure of finding a tick (pretty big one too might I add *makes yucky face*) on my parent's dog, Wickham. So glad our vet was open! They're nasty little creatures... burying their heads into the skin to drink blood... I mean really??? In any case, we think he got it from our new lakehouse. Delightful little house on a lake, surrounded by woods. I can't wait to make a painting of the view... and sleeping in and doing nothing for a week or two!

Till next time with a new framing project!


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