welcome et bonjour!!

this is my blog where I will be adding new and strange creations for your viewing pleasure.

Ceci est mon blog où je serai l'ajout de nouvelles créations et étrange pour votre plaisir visuel.

my website.mon siteweb www.amandaseebeck.com

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away

It's pouring rain. I mean POURING big, huge, gargantuan buckets of rain. It's been like this since about noon too. And I have to walk the dog.... oh the trials of being a dog owner is having to walk the dog, even when the BOTH of you don't want to go. But it shall be done, however I shall defer the walk till after this post. Maybe my prayers will be answered by then.

As I promised in my last post, I would show you my latest framing job. I'll give you the background first, however!

Long time ago, in a land far far far away, my grandmother, Nanni, had been an accomplished athlete. Now, she was never at the Olympics or something like that, but she did compete. She won a Bronze Medal from the Amateur Athletes of Canada Association, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day. And a long time ago, in a land, not so far away as before, I was little, and I loved swimming (still do) and running (not so much now). Nanni recognized that in me, and gave me her Bronze Medal, still in its little leather box.

For years, I had it sitting beside my dolls, and my fine jewellery. I thought, that's what you do with something like that. Sadly, I babysat my sister's cat for a week, and being a complete putz, the cat ate the box. Well, not completely, but he did manage to separate the lid from the base. I was a little angry...

Now, about two years after that, I was surfing the Larson-Juhl website, and I got my inspiration. With a bit of toiling, a lot of drawings, an abundance of patience, and a plethora of papercuts, I managed to frame Nanni's medal:

Needless to say, I am very proud of the final results. It's getting a place of honour in my home, and far away from any cats!!!!

P.S. it's 15 minutes later, and the rain has only gotten harder. Oh Mother Nature you are heartless.... or have a wicked sense of humour....

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