welcome et bonjour!!

this is my blog where I will be adding new and strange creations for your viewing pleasure.

Ceci est mon blog où je serai l'ajout de nouvelles créations et étrange pour votre plaisir visuel.

my website.mon siteweb www.amandaseebeck.com

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Moving Sucks

As I am sure that most of you know, moving sucks. It's messy, crazy, and incredibly stressful. It's never done the way you want, or when you want or HOW you want... but somehow, unpacking is even worse! It's not done in one horrible day, it's done over several horrible weeks. And for some, months or YEARS. Currently, I am about 70% unpacked, but one whole room remains. And trying to get it done in an orderly and prompt fashion seems to be impossible right now.

I have yet to move my cat. She's currently at my parents' place, and until that silly bedroom gets unpacked, she's not coming home. She's now 17 years old and has the beginnings of kidney failure, and from what the vet has told me, she has to avoid stressful situations. Moving house is stressful enough for a cat, let alone coming into an apartment filled with boxes and strange smells is worse. So she's staying put till we get things settled.

Now onto the stuff you care about: PLANS! LOL yea I know you don't really care about what my plans are, but it's a good one! I have a friend who is a graffiti artist, and we're planning a collaboration. Should be definitely interesting! His style is so different from my own that it will certainly be a contrast. He works almost exclusively with spray paint, and I'm nearly exclusively traditional media! How we're going to do it will be a challenge, and essentially we've agreed to do it, not what or when. But that shall come shortly!

Until after my vacation, I bid you all adieu...

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